Rules & Regulations

Admission is required for all guests to enter the Amusement Park. Wristbands are required to participate on rides. Wristbands must be put on by Playland personnel and all parties must be together. Wristbands may not be resold, shared, removed, or given to someone else. Violators will be subjected to removal from the park with no refund or denied entry. It is strongly recommended that guests keep their receipts.
Official height measurements are available at all ticketing locations. Please use posted height markers to be sure which rides you and your child may or may not be able to safely ride prior to making your purchase. Individual ride height restrictions can be found on the website, at the ride entrance, and at Guest Services.
All bags, purses, and personnel items are subject to search upon entry; no coolers are permitted inside the Amusement Park.
Food or drinks from outside the park are not permitted to be brought into the Amusement Park.
Alcoholic beverages purchased in Playland must be consumed on-premises. No outside alcohol is permitted inside the park. All patrons are required to produce valid identification to purchase alcoholic beverages, and no one under the age of 21 will be served. Guests who appear or act intoxicated will be asked to leave and escorted from the park without refund.
The use of tobacco products, vaping devices, electronic cigarettes, and other nicotine delivery devices is prohibited in the amusement park.
As a condition of entering the property, all guests grant Playland permission to be photographed, filmed and video/audio recorded on-premises without compensation for any reason. Commercial photography of every kind is prohibited within the amusement park without explicit written consent from Playland management in advance. No ancillary photography/videography equipment may be brought into the park, including, but not limited to, lights, tripods, and reflectors.
The Playland dress code requires non-offensive and family-oriented attire, which must include shoes, shirt/top, and pants/shorts/skirt at all times in the Amusement Park and contain no offensive language, images, designs, or symbols. Playland reserves that right to refuse admission to anyone who refuses to comply with the dress code as determined by management.
Playland adheres to a zero-tolerance policy regarding offensive or threatening language. Guests using profanity or abusive language, which includes symbols or gestures, to other guests or employees will be escorted from the premises and without a refund.
Line jumping or line-holding by another party is not permitted. This means that guests are not allowed to save places in line or exit lines and return for any reason. Playland is committed to a friendly and safe environment, violators will be escorted from the premises without refund.
Service animals (dogs and miniature horses) may be permitted in the amusement park. Please notify the Admission Attendant if you have a service animal. Service animals must be on a leash no longer than 6 feet. Service animals may not be permitted on amusement rides and attractions. Please check individual ride safety on the website, at the ride entrance, or request accessibility guidelines from Guest Services. Owners are responsible for their service animal’s behavior and must clean up after their animals. All other animals and pets are strictly prohibited. We ask that you do not leave animals in any areas of Playland Park including in any vehicles. In such cases, the appropriate authorities will be notified.
The following items are strictly prohibited at Playland: firearms, knives, razor blades, weapons or objects of any kind capable of causing harm, bicycles, skateboards, scooters, rollerblades, the use of Drones, or any type of radio-controlled device. Other items may be deemed prohibited if determined to be unsafe by management.
Restricted areas are off-limits to park visitors. Guests attempting to enter restricted areas will be escorted from the park without refund.
Rides and attractions may close due to inclement weather conditions. If the Amusement Park closes for the day due to inclement weather conditions during your visit, return vouchers may be issued. Please check the website’s inclement weather policy for further details.
Operating schedules, prices, and attractions availability are subject to change without notice.
Observe, read, and follow all safety instructions and warnings at every ride and attraction entrance. These are also available on the Playland website, or at Guest Services inside the Amusement Park.
Some rides have lower height requirements for participants that ride with a responsible companion. A responsible companion is defined as someone 14 years of age and able to ensure the companion complies with all applicable safety rules and regulations.
Loose articles and personal possessions such as electronic devices, mobile phones, keys, hats, glasses, backpacks, purses, and stuffed animals should be left at home, kept in a locker, or left with a non-rider.
Playland is not responsible for valuables, or any personal items not secured, lost, or left in the park or on a ride. Please report any lost articles to Guest Relations and Playland will make every effort to recover them when it is safe to do so.
Smoking, food, chewing gum, and drinks are not permitted on rides or ride lines as they pose safety and choking hazards.
Attire such as hats, jackets, scarves, and sweaters must be secured and worn properly and not around the waist while on a ride. Failure to comply with posted or operator instructions may result in being denied access to participate.
Additional precautions should be taken by parents and guardians who supervise children. Know you and your child’s capabilities in determining whether a particular ride is appropriate. Watch the ride in operation before riding to make sure you and your child are comfortable with it and can ride safely. When in doubt, do not ride.
Parents and guardians should pay special attention to Dark Rides, which are enclosed rides that may contain scary scenes, dark spaces, loud noises, lighting effects, and disorientating motion that is not suitable for children. Consult the rider safety instructions prior to entry before considering participating.
If a child participates on a ride alone, designate an easily recognizable place to meet your child, once the ride is over.
Never participate on any ride or attraction that you are uncomfortable with… when in doubt, do not ride.
Observe, read, and follow all safety instructions and warnings at every ride and attraction entrance. These are also available on the Playland website, or at Guest Services inside the Amusement Park.
Some rides have lower height requirements for participants that ride with a responsible companion. A responsible companion is defined as someone 14 years of age and able to ensure the companion complies with all applicable safety rules and regulations.
Loose articles and personal possessions such as electronic devices, mobile phones, keys, hats, glasses, backpacks, purses and stuffed animals should be left at home, kept in a locker or left with a non-rider.
Playland is not responsible for valuables, or any personal items not secured, lost, or left in the park or on a ride. Please report any lost articles to Guest Relations and Playland will make every effort to recover them when it is safe to do so.
Smoking, food, chewing gum and drinks are not permitted on rides or ride lines as they pose safety and choking hazards.
Attire such as hats, jackets, scarves, and sweaters must be secured and worn properly and not around the waist while on a ride. Failure to comply with posted or operator instructions may result in being denied access to participate.
Additional precautions should be taken by parents and guardians who supervise children. Know you and your child’s capabilities in determining whether a particular ride is appropriate. Watch the ride in operation before riding to make sure you and your child are comfortable with it and can ride safely. When in doubt, do not ride.
Parents and guardians should pay special attention to Dark Rides, which are enclosed rides that may contain scary scenes, dark spaces, loud noises, lighting effects, and disorientating motion that is not suitable for children. Consult the rider safety instructions prior to entry before considering participating.
If a child participates on a ride alone, designate an easily recognizable place to meet your child, once the ride is over.
Never participate on any ride or attraction that you are uncomfortable with… when in doubt, do not ride.
Guests with medical conditions or suspect a medical condition should exercise strict discretion in selecting rides to experience. Know your medical conditions and refer to each ride or attractions safety instructions before participating. When in doubt, do not ride.
For safety reasons, all passenger restraint systems must be positioned and fastened as designed to allow guests to ride. No extensions or exceptions will be made. Guests of large stature may not be able to be accommodated on all rides and attractions.
All guests are expected to board rides independently without physical assistance from Playland employees. If assistance is needed, a companion must accompany the rider. Patrons with disabilities who require a companion to ride with them must have a valid ride admission wristband.
Guests with casts or braces will be restricted from riding rides where the cast or brace may present a hazard to the guest or others. If in doubt about your ability to safely experience a ride, do not ride. Prosthetics may need to be removed to participate on rides if they present a safety hazard to other guests as determined by the ride’s manufacturer and park safety rules.
Individual rides that are fully accessible or limited in accessibility are noted in the accessibility guide on the website, at the ride entrance safety instructions, and can be provided at Guest Services.
Parking fee applies to all visitor vehicle types. Vehicles parking outside a designated parking lot will be towed at owner’s expense. Parking receipts are not valid for re-entry into parking areas. Reentering requires payment. No refunds available for parking.
No barbecue grills, propane grills, or catering equipment is permitted on property. Picnic areas are available to reserve for a fee. Contact Group Sales at 914-820-3030 for a reservation.
Solicitation, posting of bills or flyers and/or distribution of these materials is prohibited.
Trees, buildings or posts may not be used for hanging personal items (i.e. signs, banners, hammocks, etc.).
Commercial photography is strictly prohibited without management’s written permission.
Dogs must be on a leash no longer than 6 feet in length. Owners must clean up after their dogs or be subject to dismissal from the park. Unruly or aggressive dogs may require removal from the park property.
Feeding wildlife is strictly prohibited in or around the park.
Fishing is permitted at the end of the pier only. All fishing gear must be hand-carried to the designated fishing location.
Swimming is prohibited outside of designated swimming areas.
Please look to recycle where collection points are available.
No person shall bring into or have in his possession in the park any explosives or fireworks.
No person shall tent or camp or erect or maintain a tent, shelter or camping area in the park.
No person shall bring into, sell or offer for sale, hire, lease or let out any object or merchandise or any other thing or service.
No vehicle in the park shall be parked, stopped or allowed to stand on any drive, road, or at any other place where posted to the contrary or that impedes the flow of traffic.
Swimming may only occur when lifeguards are present. Lifeguard instructions must be adhered to at all times. US Coastguard approved life jackets are available and are strongly encouraged for all swimmers.
Children under age 12 must be accompanied and actively supervised by an adult.
Running, boisterous or rough play is not permitted.
Persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs are not permitted to enter the Pool.
All participants must shower before entering the pool. Showers are available in the Bathhouse.
Persons with diarrheal illness or nausea should not enter the Pool.
Persons with skin, eye, ear, or respiratory infections, open lesions or wounds should not enter the Pool.
Swim diapers must be worn to enter the Pool, as well as form-fitting plastic swim pants over the swim diaper.
Pets or animals of any kind are not permitted inside the Pool.
All bags are subject to search. Glass is not permitted inside the Pool.
Smoking, food and drinks are not permitted to be brought into the Pool admission area.
Proper swim attire must be worn at all times. No cut-offs permitted.
Towels, water and suntan lotion are the only personal items allowed on the pool deck.
No diving is permitted.
Recreational toys, water accessories, and sport equipment are not permitted inside the Pool.
Children 15 years old and younger must be accompanied by an adult that is 18 years old or over.
For the safety and comfort of all visitors, the following are prohibited:
Swimming while lifeguards are not on duty
Running, horseplay, rowdy or disruptive behavior
Coolers larger than 12 inches
Alcoholic beverages & glass containers
Dogs or Pets
Loud audio devices
Smoking anywhere within the facility
Cell phone use or recording devices in the locker or restrooms
Underwater or action cameras
Metal detectors, Kite flying, and Drones
Lifeguard and beach attendant instructions must be adhered to at all times.
Any child 12 years or younger while in the water, including with a life jacket, must be within arm’s length reach of a parent or supervising adult.
Red flags denote closed areas on the beach. Keep out of red flagged areas.
Proper bathing suit attire is required to swim. Swim diapers must be worn when entering the water, as well as form fitting swim pants.
- Payment for all picnic areas is non-refundable. If the Park does not open due to inclement weather, then another date may be chosen by the group. No refund will be given if the Park closes early due to inclement weather.
- You must set up only in your designated assigned lake area #. You must check into your area by 11:00 am.
- A receipt will be issued to your group which will show your assigned lake area number.
- The picnic areas are available for your group up until one hour before Park closing time. Please be aware that the Lake Picnic areas are not lit and are as is.
- If your group vacates your reserved area and leaves the Park, then the forfeiture of your area will occur. Playland will not be responsible for holding your area.
- No loud music, live entertainment, or vocal broadcasts are allowed in any public picnic area. Playland Management will have the authority to control volume levels or cease operation of sound or noise and revoke this permit if this condition is not met.
- Torches, candles, and Sterno are not allowed in the picnic areas.
- Alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
- Prohibited items include: Live music, fireworks, beer trucks, any open flames (except provided grills), pony rides, petting zoos, generators, outside food vendors, catering equipment, political campaigning or literature, protests, religious ceremonies, or carnival-type games.
- No swimming or fishing allowed in Playland Lake and other non-designated areas.
- Clean-up is the responsibility of the group.
- Do not feed or pet any of the wildlife animals on premises.